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Past Presidents:


2014 Laura Bragg
2013 Jennifer Lawton
2012 Magi Fainer‑Towne
2011 Zeppy Attashian
2010 Christine Levin
2009 Mia Giacomazzi
2008 Kathy McKenna
2007 Victoria Bernhardt
2006 Linda Durost
2005 Deborah Coe
2004 Leslie Dillahunty
2003 Kathleen Meehan
2002 Joan Jacobs Levie
2001 Patti Williams
2000 Beth Stratton
1998-99 Hilary Chittick
1996-97 Kathleen Bakergumprecht-Davies
1994-95 Janine Reagon
1993 Susan Coberly
1991-92 Melinda Vaughn
1989-90 Ruth Ratzlaff
1987-88 Karen Kern
1986 Doris Coleman
1985 Joan Wilkie
1984 Marian Mosley
1983 June Register
1982 Catherine Thomas
1981 Catherine Bonnar
1978-80 Catherine Adams Bennett
1974-77 Mary Louise Frampton




FCWL - Fresno County Women Lawyers © 2015 / Site Design
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All photographs of FCWL events depicted on this website are courtesy of Howard K. Watkins: www.watkinsphotoarchive.com